How to remove wrinkles around the eyes

How to Rejuvenate the Skin Around Your Eyes

How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes should be fun not only for mature women but also for girls. Ladies, remember that it is better to prevent a problem than to deal with it and its consequences later. Preventing, preventing skin aging is much easier than running around all kinds of creams, masks, trying to get rid of wrinkles completely.

Why do wrinkles appear around the eyes

Any skin starts to fade. Even the most capable and expensive care cannot provide eternal youth. this is life. Nothing in this life is eternal. Not to mention our skin.

During its lifetime, only the skin does not experience stress, malnutrition, constant exposure to cosmetics, bad air. Someone neglects care. Or he pulls hard on the skin while washing, removing makeup, or wiping. But the skin around the eyes is one of the most delicate skins, and it's easy to damage it.

The main causes of wrinkles around the eyes are:

  1. age. As skin matures, it becomes increasingly difficult for it to renew itself and retain moisture. As a result, the skin around the eyes fades faster than other areas. This most delicate skin lacks the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, sebum cannot protect the tissue around the "mirror of the soul" from the external aggressive environment and dryness. Therefore, it is necessary to moisturize this area even before the pesky folds appear.
  2. Emotional expression on the face. People who have experienced emotions cannot resist the withering of the skin around the eyes. You know for sure that you can't strain your facial muscles, you can't talk, you can't laugh, you can't be sad while wearing a mask on your face. Total relaxation. Otherwise, you yourself will cause wrinkles to appear. But that doesn't mean you need to be deadpan all your life, or a look that turns milk sour. Just keep an eye on this area on your face and remember to take good care of it.
  3. Skin cells age and feel tired. The production of essential proteins is significantly slowed down. This applies to known collagen and elastin. They are responsible for the elasticity of the skin. Many people have seen ads for collagen creams. But this is only a visible effect. In fact, these proteins are very large. So it cannot simply be absorbed through the skin. This requires regular and serious procedures. As well as completely changing your diet. It's much easier to nourish your skin with these proteins from the inside than trying to "infuse" them from the outside.
The skin around the eyes and its rejuvenation

Don't forget to protect the skin from frost or wind (apply cream at least half an hour before going out), sun (hat that creates shadow for face and hair).

How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes

Now that you know what causes wrinkles around your eyes, you need to figure out how to get rid of them. The following tips will help you:

  • Skin needs hydration. No matter your age, skin condition. The older she gets, the more she should do it. Don't ignore the different ways. There are plenty of rollers for sale around the eyes from various manufacturers. many popular methods. The most common - cucumber circles on the eyes. You can also use a cotton pad dipped in black or green tea.
  • When using masks at home, please note that most masks are suitable except for this sensitive area. But there are also moisturizing and firming specifically for this area of the face:
    • lemon. Squeeze juice from half a lemon, add protein, stir, then add a pinch of salt. Apply carefully and keep until the mask dries. Protein perfectly tightens the skin.
    • bread. Pour a piece of white bread into warm milk, make a porridge, and apply to the skin until completely dry.
    • Potato. A great way to get rid of wrinkles on the face and rejuvenate the skin of the hands. Apply mashed potatoes to your eyes. Just watch the temperature of the puree so you don't burn yourself. The skin is still very soft.
    • banana. Mix banana pulp with melted butter (about a tablespoon).
    • cottage cheese. Cottage cheese, cream, vegetable oil, warm milk and honey. Excellent rejuvenating blend.
    • oatmeal. Grate the flakes (tbsp), pour in the warm milk and wait until the flakes puff up. Apply the finished composition to the area around the eyes.
    • Salon procedure. Here and mesotherapy (the smallest injection in the field), light rejuvenation and chemical masks based on various acids.
    • Compression is hot and must be rinsed with cold water afterwards. This will be a great way to increase skin and muscle tone. If the tones are in order, then the skin will be smooth. Small wrinkles will start to flatten and large wrinkles will become smaller. If you do this regularly, these deep ones will fade away over time. Just don't forget to take care of it. Don't worry if you don't see results right away. Everything takes time. So try to monitor yourself constantly.
    • If wrinkles are just starting to appear, there is a great way to "drive" them away from your face. Make a strong salt solution and use it to wipe the skin around your eyes. Just don't do it too often. Still, the salt draws water from the tissue. How not to make the situation worse.
    • massage. Dab, caress, gentle massage movements. Do not overuse or it will stretch the skin.
    • Make ice cubes from herbal soups and infusions. Every morning, wipe not just around the peephole, but your entire face. Excellent for preventing any wrinkles and skin atrophy.
    Apply eye cream to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes


    woman, 31 years old

    I like to laugh a lot. I have recently noticed wrinkles around my eyes. To get rid of them, I used a homemade oatmeal mask and also applied pure almond oil. After a month, wrinkles are visibly reduced and I am very happy with the results.

    woman, 39 years old

    My mother's face wrinkled early. To get rid of them, she used blepharoplasty. When I noticed my first wrinkle, I started aggressively using hyaluronic acid creams, homemade masks, and heat packs. After a few months, the effects of using the funds became apparent.